What's the difference between reader's vs. printer's vs. single-page PDFs and why is it important

What are Reader’s Spreads? Reader’s Spreads refers to a pair of facing pages, typically the left and right pages of a publication. These are consecutive pages in the correct order for someone to read the document. An example of page order in a reader’s spread is: 1, 2/3, 4/5, 6/7, etc. PIP Metro Indy typically sends booklet proofs to you as Reader’s Spreads so you can see which pages will lie next to each other when imposed into a booklet format. We ask that no print-ready files are sent in Reader’s Spreads.

What are Printer’s Spreads? Printer’s Spreads are the imposed position of pages based on how many pages are in the publication. These are not in consecutive order, but rather in the order that when the document is printed, trimmed and assembled, all pages are consecutive. If you are familiar with your design software, PIP Metro Indy can accept Printer’s Spreads as an acceptable print file. We will have you verify on a hard copy that the pages are in the order you intended. Learn how to create a printer’s spread in Adobe InDesign here.

What are Single-Page PDFs?: These are similar to reader’s spreads, but the pages stay in numeric order but not in spreads. The order would be: outside front cover, inside front cover, page 1, 2, 3, etc., inside back cover, outside back cover. Occasionally, files that are pre-formatted in spreads can create issues with bleeds or folds, so a single-page PDF layout can ensure your artwork remains correct and in the proper order when printed. Unless otherwise stated by our team, this is PIP Metro Indy’s preferred way to receive files.

For clarification, a single-page PDF does not mean an individual PDF per page, but rather all pages are in 1 PDF file in single pages, not spreads.

Understanding Reader's Spreads vs. Printer's Spreads vs. Single-Page PDFs with multiple layout options.

Whether you choose to provide your files to PIP Metro Indy in Printer’s Spreads or Single-Page PDFs, we ask for high resolution (300 DPI) PDF files with crops and bleeds to avoid any additional artwork charges. If you have any questions about your file or need assistance setting your document up, contact us today and our expert team is standing by to assist!

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