Landing pages and web visits are essential to your marketing efforts—and your click-through rate is a strong measure of campaign success. Without a strong CTA button or text that encourages customers to act or click, your campaign may be doomed to fail.
Here are four CTA mistakes to avoid so you can maximize your next marketing effort:
1. Overselling & Under-Delivering
Your CTA should guide prospect expectations. If you use elaborate language or imagery but your landing page is underwhelming, your customers will feel that you can’t deliver on your promises. You are trying to convert leads into potential customers, and that begins with giving you their contact information. If they don’t trust you, they will not part with that valuable information.
2. Not Giving Good Value
Making an offer is easy, but how do you make it valuable enough to compel the prospect to click on your CTA? You must clearly explain the ways in which your offer will help them or what they will get in exchange for their prized personal information.
3. Too Many CTAs
Don’t overwhelm your potential customers with too many CTAs and cause paralysis by analysis. Including multiple CTAs can be counterproductive, discouraging the visitor from taking any action. Create one single path to action without any distractions to interfere with conversion.
4. Burying Your CTA
If users cannot find your call to action, they can’t click it! Sometimes integrated marketers bury the CTA in text and graphics, only include a text link, or position it out of main sight. Low visibility equates to low activity. Change the way you include the CTA and watch your conversion rate climb—make it bigger, bolder or include multiple buttons.
We have the resources and expertise to help you create campaigns that include carefully thought-out CTAs. Call us to learn more.